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Toronto Downtown - Photosession Number 2 - Date: March 24 - 2000 |
About The Photosession: A few of my friends decided to go down to Paramount Theatre on Richmond Street to watch a movie. Interestingly i work in the same building, and i was looking forward to take some pictures of the Paramount Theatre and also of the City TV building right across it on Queen Street. That day we watched the Final Destination which was the creepiest i saw. Well i overestimated the amount of exposure required and over exposed many pictures. I did'nt like that but i guess i will correct this problem pretty soon.
Equipment Used: Nikon F70 - Nikkor 50 mm 1.4 Lens. Film Used: Fuji Superia and Kodak Portrait both ISO 400 films.
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Contact Information:
Rizwan Dar,
Station A, PO Box 5822,
Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P2,
Ph. #: 1-416-885-1973
Fax #: 1-416-885-1864
ICQ: 9422373